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Indus B2C Global Private Limited  ( It was set up in 1995, But since 2014, The company is now into export and wholesale of 100% Indian Human Hairs procured from temples across India which are donated by women devotees. Our brand name is LEMODISH Premium Hair Extensions (
Human Hair has more than 300 varieties and are popular in US, UK, Africa, Europe, Israel, South East Asia and Russia. We started this business more than 5 years back and are an asset-light company. We will also intend to export allied beauty products in next financial year.
We also retail our products on our e-commerce site 

Company has also participated as a vendor in following international exhibitions/shows  :-

1) IBS Newyork, US – March’ 2016
Premiere Orlando International Beauty Event, Orlando, FL, USA – June’ 2017
2) Bronner Bros.International Beauty Show, Atlanta, GA, USA – August’ 2017
3) Indian Expo, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Africa – March’ 2018 , Sept’ 2018 and Jan’2019
4)  Bronner Bros.International Beauty Show, Atlanta, GA, USA – Oct’ 2019

The company is led by Mr. Prashant Kansal, a pioneer having more than 25 years of experience in the industry.

Delhi, India
WhatsApp / Call : +91 999 924 1565 / +91 981 114 1565

Lemosdish Hair whatsapp
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